Gxhk, a special X hotkey daemon made by me
gxhk, which stands for Go X hotkey (daemon), is an application that I made. It is a hotkey daemon for X, something in the vein of sxhkd, if you know what it is (if not, then this app is not for you, probably). When hotkeys (such as Alt+F1) get pressed (or released), the user can run various commands with the help of the hotkey daemon. My hotkey daemon has some unique features: it can be configured on the fly using a socket (similarly to bspwm for those who know it 😉) to listen to certain hotkeys and execute their commands, or to stop listening to some hotkeys, or show infos about the currently grabbed hotkeys and their associated commands. This app works only on Linux & friends, on X desktops (not on Wayland). ...